PubSubClient is a client side MQTT library for Arduino that allows publishing limited to QoS 0, and subscribe up to QoS1, written in C++.
You have more information about its features and latest updates at:
How to connect to MyQttHub using pubsubclient
You have working examples located here:
Because pubsubclient does not support TLS, to connect to MyQttHub you will have to use plain unprotected MQTT connection over standard port (1883/tcp) with clientId+userName+Password. For that, start using the following example with authentication support:
Configure the following details to make your connection work at the PubSubClient client declaration:
- server:
- port: 1883
Then, configure your client.connect pubsubclient API with:
- “arduinoClient” : place here device clientId
- “testuser” : place here device userName
- “testpass” : place here device password