just created an account(Open) and did put together two “Devices” but I could not make the connection to MyQttHub Server. I’m using an MQTT Explorer as a client. Please, what am I missing…?!!
Can't connect - New account
I’ve gotten the explorer to connect(case sensitive mistake).
Now I’m stuck with a web-client in javascript that I can’t make the connection. I’m using the Paho library and herein bellow is the connection part of the code. I have included on the browser(Chrome) a certificate from crt.sh (ID [3900397595]), even though it does not connect. Could you help with some insights? Thanks in advance.
client = new Paho.MQTT.Client(“node02.myqtthub.com”, 8883, “EcoTech_Web”);
client.onConnectionLost = onConnectionLost;
client.onMessageArrived = onMessageArrived;
var options = {
useSSL: true,
userName: "EcoTech",
password: "password",
B. Rgds,
Hi there
The code you are using (based on javascript) is running on top of WebSocket. Though it will do, MyQttHub does not support WebSocket for the moment [1] [2] [3].
[1] WebSockets Support?
[2] Soporte de WebSockets
[3] Question: How to establish connection on iphone's IoT OnOff
As indicated in these threads, you can use MyQttHub Rest API so you can connect using javascript and plain https+json calls.
Best Regards,